What is Business Process Automation? The Complete Guide

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Written By Haisam Abdel Malak
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Business process automation is a way for businesses to make their processes more efficient. It helps them save time, money and resources by automating tasks that are repetitive and mundane like data entry or customer service calls.

Business process automation is a type of software that is designed to reduce the amount of work done by humans in an organization. It usually does this by automating tasks that are either mundane or repetitive.

Business process automation tools can be used in different ways depending on what a company wants to achieve. The type of business process that needs to be automated will determine the type of tool needed. For example, if a company wants to automate customer service calls, they will need an AI chatbot that can handle customer inquiries in real-time and provide answers or solutions using natural language processing (NLP).

When a process is automated, employees may access a digital form from the comfort of their desk or from their mobile device, fill in the required information, and submit it. The request will be automatically forwarded to the supervisor for approval, as well as to the appropriate departments for processing.

Manual processing delays, human mistake, and inefficient business processes can no longer be disregarded; they are costing businesses thousands of dollars per year.

Companies must automate repetitive operations by digitizing and standardizing business processes. According to Forrester, this has the potential to save up to 90% on operational expenditures. In addition, they should always follow the latest trends related to business process automation.

Business process automation is a vital component of the digital transformation strategy in an era where being competitive implies quickly adjusting to change.

In this post, we’ll look at what business process automation is, how businesses may profit from it, and what it can do for them.

Business process Automation
Process Automation on the Mechanism of Metal Gears.

What is Business Process Automation?

Business process automation (BPA) is a method of automating business processes. It uses technology solutions to simplify company operations and make repetitious jobs easier. It enables employees to devote more time to more important tasks while monotonous tasks are completed automatically in the background.

BPA allows technologically mature firms to automate a variety of repetitive operations, reducing their dependency on human interaction with the goal of simplifying, decreasing operating costs, simulate processes, enhancing efficiency, and improving service delivery.

From employee onboarding to accounts payable, businesses are automating processes in their day-to-day operations. This reduces the need for employees to move paperwork from one place to another.

Prior to automating processes, businesses must first choose which procedures will be automated. Taking the process as is and digitally implementing it isn’t enough. The process must first be thoroughly examined, simplified, and improved before being automated.

I strongly advise you to read the following in-depth article on how to achieve business process excellence.

BPM Lifecycle: 5 Stages to Business Process Excellence (theecmconsultant.com)

We question every step in the process before automating it to determine whether it can be removed, enhanced, or automated, based on our expertise. And later, we draw the flowchart using the best flowchart software to have a complete high level view of the process.

It is critical to emphasize that we are not seeking to automate processes in order to replace employees with robots. To fulfill automation’s full potential, people and technology must work together.

Where Business Process Automation Can be Implemented?

Automation in business improves processes, removes a lot of paper, mistakes, and lost time no matter what industry your business or corporation is in.

Robots and computers can not only execute a variety of ordinary physical work duties better and more cheaply than people, but they are also growing capable of performing cognitive tasks that were previously thought to be too complex to automate efficiently.

As per McKinsey, they believe that by applying existing demonstrated technology, almost half of all paid tasks in the global workforce might be automated. This works out to about $15 trillion in pay.

Some examples of business processes that are often automated include leave requests, customer service related activities, onboarding workers, onboarding new clients, accounts payable, any data entry activities, and so on.

Again, we’re not automating for the sake of automating; our primary purpose is to assist businesses streamline processes and increase productivity.

Check below article for a full list of the benefits that BPA brings

9 Business Process Automation Benefits That You Should Know – Information Management Simplified (theecmconsultant.com)

How To Get The Most Out Of Automation

Business process automation can be implemented in these six steps:

  1. Identify business processes that should be automated
  2. Take each process and analyze it properly
  3. Select the right technology
  4. Design the process and test it
  5. Prepare and train employees on new method of working
  6. Monitor and measure.

Take into account the following points as well.

  • Ignore automating broken processes: After all, automation is merely a tool in your hands; don’t expect it to perform all of your work for you. Automation will only enhance inefficiency when applied to an inefficient task.
  • Avoid over-automation: Too much automation is a pitfall; human interaction is still required for your company automation plan to succeed. You can automate some procedures, but business decisions are still made by humans.
  • Solution selection: Choose a business process automation solution that has been proven to help your company grow. The solution should include the precise functionality you require based on your automation goals.
  • Get a success story first: To increase the success rate, start automating a business workflow where all stakeholders are involved and comprehend the additional value. When other departments witness a success story in another department, they want to replicate it, according to our experience.

Business Process Automation Challenges

If your company is considering automating some of its most time-consuming or inefficient workflows, you should be aware of some of the most typical issues that companies experience when implementing automated workflows.

When dealing with business process automation, there are various challenges that must be addressed, including change management, job losses as a result of automation, integration with existing business line systems, and insufficient documentation.

  • Job losses are feared as a result of automation: There is a common misunderstanding that business operations automation would result in job losses for people who do repetitive duties that can be readily automated. As a result, these personnel will show some resistance. As a manager, you must guarantee that relieving employees from tiresome, repetitive jobs allows them to develop new skills and devote time to more essential responsibilities.
  • Integration with existing business line applications: When you need to automate a business workflow in your business, it almost always requires reading or writing data from other systems in your ecosystem. Some BPA tools come with a long list of “connectors” that make it simple to interact with other systems. Before you choose one of these products, you should figure out what systems you already have and if the tool can readily interact with them or whether it will cost you more money.
  • Change management: Despite the long list of advantages that automated workflow provides, you will undoubtedly encounter employees who prefer to do their jobs the traditional way for a variety of reasons. Change management is critical to the success of your business process automation efforts. Ensure that all relevant parties are on board. Business operations automation requires everyone to have the same mindset.
  • Insufficient documentation: Your knowledge transfer should be thorough, precise, and objective. Consider receiving the data from process intelligence instead than having people develop the process.


Business process automation is a powerful tool that modern companies may use to improve process efficiency and operations. To optimize your company operations, go on a process automation journey.

Business process automation (BPA) is a method of automating business processes. It uses technology solutions to simplify company operations and make repetitious jobs easier. It enables employees to devote more time to more important tasks while monotonous tasks are completed automatically in the background.

Ignore automating broken processes

Avoid over-automation

Get a success story first

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