7 Low-Code Benefits You Can’t Afford to Ignore

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Written By Haisam Abdel Malak
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Most organizations nowadays are forced to deal with tight budget and resources which led them to invest in low code application development platforms that can simplify and accelerate their development process. In this article, we’ll explore low code benefits in details, and highlight how this technology can help organizations of all sizes achieve their goals more effectively.

Typical low code benefits include faster application development, rapid prototyping, easier integrations, eliminate the need for full stack developers, better agility and flexibility, increased productivity, and cost savings.

Low-code development is crucial in modernizing existing applications and accelerating the development of new ones, including line-of-business apps. Outdated apps that can no longer support current processes or provide an optimal user experience can be migrated and streamlined using low-code platforms, enabling simplified process automation.

Top Benefits of Low-Code for Enterprise Businesses

Low code development has its own challenges but applying these recommendations, understanding constraints, and following up with the latest low code development evolutions will help your organization accelerate the development process and deliver products faster to the market.

The top low code benefits include:

1- Faster application development

Using the traditional development methods provide lots of customizable and greater scalability however it requires lots of resources, planning, team meetings, and keeping up to date with the latest technologies which proved very hectic over the years.

Low code offers better methods to deliver digital products without the need for a set of skillful resources or heavy investment monthly. Using the drag and drop functionalities, citizen developers can create applications without worrying much writing tons of code while still deliver great user experience.

The best use cases for low code could be small automation projects for approval workflows and cycles, collecting information from users, or creating a small mobile app for your business.

2- Rapid prototyping

In this fast world we are living in, it is very important to identify at an early stage if a digital product adds value to the real world without investing lots of money and resources.

Low code allows organizations to create digital products in a fast manner and release it to the world to see how people will interact with it before applying major improvements. This will help them validate their vision and collect feedback before taking the app to the next level.

In my experience, you should always target failing at an early stage before going all in and this technology is the perfect method to use to validate your business idea.

3- Easier integrations

Most of the times, you will find yourself in need to integrate with other systems available while creating your digital product. Low code vendors offer a set of built in components and libraries to facilitate integration with other products used in your business. For example, you might need to push and retrieve data, save documents to a centralized repository, and so on.

Even if you got a complex business requirement that is not available by default, you can create your own components and libraries to extend their functionalities to fit your need.

4- Eliminate the need for full stack developers

Full stack developers are in high need in this digital world and we can foresee that this domain is still going to be needed for years to come. That is why they are getting paid higher than other professions in which your organization can’t afford.

According to the CEO of Microsoft, every company is essentially a software company. Therefore, it is crucial to invest in technologies that facilitate rapid software development to enhance the digital experience for your customers.

One of the key advantages of low code that should be given priority is the ability to transform your business into a software company, even on a small scale. Failing to do so could potentially jeopardize your business’s future availability.

5- Agility and flexibility

Low-code make it simple for businesses to customize them to their own needs and respond rapidly to shifting requirements or client feedback. Organizations may keep ahead of the competition by offering better products and services to clients faster than ever before with the support of this improved agility and flexibility.

The bottom line is that this technology is a useful tool for businesses wanting to innovate and maintain competitiveness in today’s fast-paced business climate.

6- Increased productivity

The traditional way of developing digital products has evolved a lot during the last 20 years and today we can say it has become efficient by introducing agile methodologies in the development lifecycle.

However, low code was created to provide a greater efficiency allowing to produce apps in a faster manner to the market which improves the overall performance and productivity of the business.

This is considered by many organizations to be one of the top low code benefits that help them get the best out technologies.

7- Cost saving

Low code development has emerged as an effective means of reducing costs associated with software development compared to traditional methods.

The main reason for this is that this technology requires less coding than traditional approaches which increases efficiency and developers will have more time allocated for other important tasks.

Furthermore, application developed using low code are typically easier to maintain and update which result in an overall decrease in long term related costs.


By leveraging low code, organizations can quickly create and deploy digital products while giving them the flexibility to respond rapidly to changing business requirements and customer input. It also enables better collaboration between your teams which allows everyone including developers, business analysts, and testers to work together more efficiently.

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