What is BPMS? Why is it Important?

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Written By Haisam Abdel Malak
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Business process management systems (BPMS) help in streamlining the process of business operations. They are used by large organizations to manage their business processes.

A business process management system (BPMS) is a system used to manage business processes. The system can be used to automate, monitor, and optimize business processes.

The major challenge of managing a business process is the lack of visibility into the various steps involved in it. This makes it difficult for managers to understand what is happening at each step and how well their employees are performing.

The methodology of business process management (BPM) is a set of activities that helps organizations optimize their performance by improving the efficiency and effectiveness of their business processes. The ultimate goal of BPM is to create more value for the organization, its customers, and its stakeholders.

Business process management systems (BPMS) have been instrumental in improving efficiency, reducing costs, and increasing revenue for companies that use them.

The use of business process management systems is on the rise worldwide due to the increasing automation and digitization of businesses. They are used in logistics, manufacturing, healthcare, and retail industries.

The use cases of business process management systems are endless and just keep on increasing with time. With the advancement in technology, it is now easier for businesses to implement these systems in their organization than ever before.

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Photo by Ono Kosuki on Pexels.com

What is BPM?

By definition, BPM or Business process management is the discipline in which people use various methods to discover, model, analyze, measure, improve, optimize and automate processes. Any combination of methods used to manage a company’s business workflows is BPM.

In a nutshell, business process management is the process of identifying and managing an organization’s operations in order to match them with business priorities as the company grows. And it is a totally different concept than workflow.

BPM is often mixed up with BPMS software (BPMS).

BPM is a practice that is carried out by people, while BPMS is a set of technical resources that help practitioners achieve their goals. Remember technology is only one aspect of business process management.

To produce better performance, organizations can leverage BPM to streamline business processes and robotic process automation to automate tasks by tracking a series of routine human-implemented actions.

Before we jump ahead and start automating processes, we must be sure that our data is digitized, organized, and secure. Check the below article for complete knowledge covering Digitization & Digitalization.

Digitization vs Digitalization: What’s The Difference? (theecmconsultant.com)

What is BPMS (Business Process Management System)?

By definition, BPMS stands for business process management system, as per Wikipedia,

BPMS is a collection of tools that helps companies in the automatization of processes. A business process management system (BPMS) should allow to model, develop, edit, and run the company’s business processes, as well as gather data and analytics.

It is a must for companies who wish to maximize efficiency by enhancing business process management and connecting individuals, procedures, and information systems into easily controlled applications to enhance business operations.

The automatization process consists of several steps:

  • Process Documentation: The BPMS workflow should be well documented and thoroughly analyzed. The documentation requires communication with different stakeholders to identify bottlenecks and determine the most efficient bpm automation workflow.
  • Process Modeling or Diagramming: Using the designer allows to design an executable business process modeling using drag and drop components. The designer’s techniques are presented in the form of flowcharts and diagrams. It allows for defining data management, setting rules, and connecting to external systems.
  • Automation: The primary aim is to assist businesses in automating and optimizing their operations. Often this step reduces the cycle time and improves productivity. Furthermore, the procedure can still be quickly updated to help meet the business objective.
  • Analysis: BPMS software may produce reports or interact with the more well-known reporting engines to assist in the analysis and improvement of procedure performance. This capability would inform you of the status of a workflow case, the output of relevant stakeholders, and the time taken to complete all tasks.

BPMS Benefits

There are many benefits to using a BPMS, but some of the top benefits include improved efficiency, increased productivity, and improved quality of service. Additionally, a Business Process Management System can help to improve communication and coordination between different departments and employees and can help to streamline and automate processes.

There are many benefits of a business process management system including:

1- Improved efficiency

One of the most important BPMS benefits is the ability to improve organizational efficiency by streamlining processes, improving communication and collaboration, and reducing errors and waste.

A BPMS can simultaneously monitor multiple projects and processes, creating the opportunity to provide near-real-time management of an organization’s resources. It also enables organizations to reduce redundancy in data collection and analysis, which is a waste of valuable resources and time.

2- Reduced costs

Automating key processes can help organizations reduce operational costs. For example, by automating the onboarding process, organizations can reduce the amount of time and resources needed to onboard new employees.

Additionally, business process management systems can help organizations automate tasks such as invoicing and claims processing, which can help reduce the amount of time and resources needed to complete these tasks.

3- Improved customer satisfaction

A business process management system (BPMS) can improve customer satisfaction by automating and streamlining processes, thus reducing the chance of errors. In addition, a BPMS can provide customers with real-time status updates on their orders or requests, which can improve communication and transparency.

4- Improve communication within organizations

Among the top BPMS benefits is the ability to improve communication and collaboration within employees, departments, and other entities.

This can help to ensure that communication is timely and accurate, and that information is shared effectively between different departments and individuals.

5- Improved transparency

This is one of the top BPMS benefits of an organization’s high-level management since it allows them to know at any one time which phase of a certain business process is delayed, know the specifics of all the processes and activities inside a single process, and hold people accountable.

6- Improved employees engagement

Improved employee engagement implies that employees’ voices are heard and they feel like they are a part of the broader project, which reduces employee attrition and increases organizational profitability.

This can help to improve communication and feedback between managers and employees and make it easier for employees to identify areas where they need to improve. Additionally, BPMS can help to identify and reward employees who are meeting or exceeding expectations, which can further motivate employees to perform at their best.

7- Improve the quality of products and services

A Business Process Management System (BPMS) can improve the quality of products and services in a number of ways.

First, it can help to ensure that processes are carried out consistently and accurately. This can help to reduce errors and improve quality.

Second, it can help to track and monitor process performance, making it easier to identify areas where quality improvements can be made.

Third, it can provide employees with clear and concise instructions for carrying out processes, which can help to reduce confusion and improve quality.

Finally, it can help to standardize processes across an organization, making it easier to replicate successful processes and ensuring that quality standards are met.

BPMS (Business Process Management System) Features

BPMS features

The BPM tools would allow businesses to increase transparency by helping in process automation with clear electronic formats, resulting in better accountability.

Powerful solutions can allow business managers to simplify their workflows without the need for coding. Experts from various departments should be able to push the bpm automation initiative without the need for an IT specialist.

The top features are

business process modeling

  1. Visual Process Designer (Process Diagramming)
    The tool should be incredibly user-friendly, allowing designers to drag and drop workflow elements, as well as integrate business rules as required. Furthermore, the tool should be able to
    1. Model BPMS workflow
    2. Route Activities
    3. Support Manual Tasks
    4. Support Parallel Activities
    5. Integrate with third-party applications
    6. Conditional flow
    7. Define sub-processes
    8. Set deadlines\due date to manual tasks
    9. Define task delegation and escalation
  2. Visual Form Designer:
    The tool makes it easier to create responsive forms by allowing you to drag and drop graphic components. Furthermore, it should allow for the definition of rules, the execution of REST API calls, and the support of the most recent client-side development technologies.
    1. Components (image, text, etc.)
    2. Components properties and styling
    3. Data Binding
    4. Data Source
    5. Validation Rules
    6. Dependency Rules
    7. Responsive design
  3. Role-Based Access: Since business information in forms and fields is always vulnerable, choose a BPMS approach that preserves information by selective access.
  4. Process Monitoring: A portal should provide the capabilities to monitor the process execution, status, and identify performance-related issues. Furthermore, it should allow to restart of a specific process, deploy modified or new processes, and eliminate bottlenecks.
  5. User Inbox: An inbox that allows you to access, operate on, and collaborate on delegated tasks.
  6. Powerful Administration Module: It should allow to handle users, build classes, reassign activities, restart a business workflow, and so on.
  7. Integrate with third-party applications: Automatization of processes usually requires automating manual tasks. The process may take longer to complete if you are unable to integrate with other business line processes in your company. At the top, you should make sure that it has integration with
    1. Active Directory for Single Sign-On
    2. Content Management or document management solutions to archive electronic files
    3. Office Integration: Manipulate word document from the process and generate PDF
    4. Databases: SQL, PostgreSQL, MySQL
    5. ERP
    6. Email or SMTP
    7. REST & SOAP services
  8. Mobile Support: You should be able to complete a job and fill out a form straight from your mobile device using the business process management system.
  9. Advanced Reporting & Analytics


What BPMS means?

A business process management system is a system that is used to automate business processes. It also helps to monitor and improve the efficiency of the work. It can be integrated with other systems like CRM, ERP, and HRMS. It provides an overview of the entire business process, so it is easy for you to understand what needs to be improved or changed.

Why is BPMS used?

Business process management systems are used by companies to manage their operations. They help in streamlining the operations and making them more efficient. The main aim of a BPM system is to automate business processes, which will result in increased productivity, reduced costs and improved quality of service.

2 thoughts on “What is BPMS? Why is it Important?”

  1. Worth reading several times.

    This is one of the few articles I have seen that describes both the “big picture” as well as must-have components for practical set up and use of a BPMS.


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